Wednesday, August 22, 2007

John Hawkins - War Crimes - Crimes Against Humanity

I noticed that on 08-18-07 The Kansas City Star printed a "Voices" comment calling certain people idiots.

I would like for you to print that I think the Bush administration is made up of idiots, entirely. Jacqueline Parker (a regular Voices commenter) is an idiot. And especially this from the idiot John Hawkins of, also a regular (Blog Bits):

Here is his scholarly evaluation of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict:

"The only practical way to make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is for the Israelis to transfer the Palestinians and take their land. There's a simple reason why the Israelis and Palestinians have never been able to reach a peace agreement: it's because the Palestinians are part of a sick, twisted, death cult (emphasis mine)…When our ancestors started dealing with Indians who massacred and tortured settlers, they either bought their land, took their land at the point of a gun, or just killed them all and took their land. Although genocide is no longer a morally acceptable choice, the Israelis would be perfectly justified in driving the Palestinians into the surrounding countries at gunpoint and taking their land."

And here is his scorched earth policy for Iraq. This is of particular concern to me as I am a military family member and I will not stand for these idiots (I prefer ignorant hicks) promoting the idea that the military would commit WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, if only they could, while these gutless wonders refuse to go fight this war they started.

"The U.S. military should be far less concerned about civilian casualties…It's better to lose foreign civilians than our soldiers and it's better to kill large numbers of civilians than lose a war. That's how we looked at it in World War II and it's how we should look at it today."

Hawkins is the very same warmonger who encourages all young Americans to vote against the Democrats who may call for a draft "over the strong objections of the Republican party."

How does their virulent anti-draft position differ at all from anti-war protests, past and present?

The only difference is that while the protestors don't want anybody to have to go, the cowardly little creeps just don't want THEMSELVES to go. - karennkc.

More foreign policy opinions from the embarassing, ignorant hicks:

thogwummpy writes: Saturday, August, 04, 2007 10:36 PM
the way we SHOULD be fighting terrorism

I think eventually we're going to have to grow-up and do the math, and apply the following methodology----I'm just cognizant that right now the wussie "do-gooder" kindergarden child that we call a liberal voter; would pitch the biggest hissy-fit possible to oppose it on 'multi-cultural' grounds. What we should do, is impose defillation policy. Huh?!?!

Yeah, here goes. America issues a decree that any terrorist we catch, shall be force fed a diet of pork. And suicide bomber or terrorist tried and executed; shall have his body (or associated remains) fed to hogs.

Sooner or later, we'd better take the gloves off and stop dealing courteously with the terrorist culture. "We shouldn't offend them!" DOG-SQUEEZE!!! These are people that kill over can't ever fully appease them unless you fall on your own sword. Geez, the 'let's lay down and be nice' Lefty that has nothing but pure bile for his own nation; are going to get a lot of good people butchered with their nonsense. We may have to have a civil war here to sweep aside the obstacles which prevent us from fighting this war of survival against global jihad.

"oooh....that's hate speech!" you say? I DON'T CARE.


Gabby writes: Tuesday, August, 07, 2007 6:20 AM


I just wanted you to know that I am not against attacking a Muslim nation if they sponsor an attack on us and we know beyond a shadow of doubt that they did. But my plan would be to level all the major cities of that nation. There would be no invasion and no converting and no mercy.

But, until such a time, our plan (in my opinion)must be defensive, and it must mean making Muslim's lives very unconfortable here in America. The ACLU will fight it every step of the way, but we must fight back.

We cannot subdue a billion people, but we can scare the dickens out of many of htem.

Ann Coulter, a vile, nasty caricature of a woman:

If you don't want to get shot by the police, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then don't point a toy gun at them. Or, as I believe our motto should be after 9/11: Jihad monkey talks tough; jihad monkey takes the consequences. Sorry, I realize that's offensive. How about "camel jockey"? What? Now what'd I say? Boy, you tent merchants sure are touchy. Grow up, would you?
